IF YOU WON $165,000????
Last night I went to the Lakers game and saw the most amazing thing. At half time the Mirage in Las Vegas sponsors a half court shoot out for money. Every time I've gone to the game the person who is chosen misses the basket BY FAR. When a person misses the basket the Mirage adds $5,000 to the overall pot.
WELLL....last night this young male student from USC who was chosen MADE THE HALF COURT SHOT!!! His one shot made him $165,000 in 30 seconds! I've never seen the Staples Center more crazy! Everyone was on their feet clapping and cheering in disbelief, including the Lakers, and the guy couldn't do anything. He just stood there, expressionless, motionless. He was definitely in shock, I mean, I would be too if I won $165,000!
So it got me thinking, what would I do with $165,000???
GIVE IT ALL AWAY of course! (My Dad would never let this happen but let me dream!)
Giving is always on my heart. I wish I was a millionairess so I could just give away all my money and just help everyone. It's something I definitely struggle with all the time, even more so right now because I dont even have a job. Witholding what I know the Lord has blessed me with is something that is so hard for me, even if I dont have anything. I feel guilty either way. If I could teach and not get paid for it, but just help students reach their academic potential, I would. If I could babysit for families and not get paid, I would. If I could coach volleyball and invest in the lives of these girls and have them appreciate my coaching, I would. If I could tutor all students and make them feel more comfortable about school and actually for once feel good about themselves, I totally would. If I could just live my life and not need one more thing just so that my friends and families could get what they want or need, I would.
So how would I allocate my winnings if I made that half court shot?? Let's see, after taxes you could probable get about $100,000 from the whole deal. I would give back to all the places that made me who I am today:
$10,000 --> Calvary Church general fund
$10,000 --> Calvary Church emergency needs fund
$10,000 --> Voyagers Bible Church general fund
$10,000 --> Voyagers Bible Church building fund
$10,000 --> Hume Lake Christian Camps
$10,000 --> School of Education at LMU
$5,000 --> CCS
$5,000 --> Foothill HS
$15,000 --> To my Mom (ALL will go to Acres of Love)
$15,000 --> To my Dad (Mom might convince him to give to ACRES too)
What would you do with all that money????